Monday, July 19, 2004

Ideas for Wednesday's Lecture

* Transmission, a novel by Hari Kunzru. Emphasizes interconnectedness of the global economy, and all the lunacy and chaos that ensues.

* Globalization and the promise of a more secure world due to rising prosperity.

* Conversely, terrorists use data networks to connect just as well as students in this class do.

* Book on globalization by Martin Wolf. link

* Diversity and Development report review.

* Punishing virus writers... link How much economic damage can one person cause in the modern world? How does this measure interconnectedness?

* Productivity fueled boom of the nineties... all due to networking and computer technology. Look at how it transforms business... ATMs, typesetters, now medical techs and computer programmers.

Should I Shave or Should I Grow?

I seem to have accidentally deleted my first go at this. Technical difficulties will occur in all endeavors.

Basically, I want to work on my writing since Caltech did nothing good for it. I imagine it will be an important skill in law school and I want to brush up on it. I also want a place to work on some ideas, play with them, and figure out what I think or believe. Hence the title.

I want to make my writing direct and effective. It should have a minimum level of esoteric showiness, intentional obfuscation, and circumspection. For example, in future grafs, the previous sentence would be brutally edited out. The reading I have been doing this summer can be summarized as: lawyers write poorly. This creates numerous problems (imagining them is an exercise left to the reader).

As for the title of the first post, it was a little musing over two weeks of stubble. I mustn't take myself too seriously after all.